Natural Beauty
The inspiration for this landscape was to have an external living environment directly in sync with the family living area.
The relaxed life of flowing water, thrush and sparrow bathing in the waterfall with gold fish and waterlilies in the pond.
The stunning plant intertwined with the pergola is the pink summer flowering Port St John Creeper from South Africa.

Classically Ours
The inspiration for this classic 1960's weatherboard home was to expand the living space and utilise the outdoors.
The need was to create this space with good flow and ambience in which to relax.
A trampoline for the daughter was on the artificial lawn and has since been reclaimed for a swing seat and play area.

Hawaiian Landscape
Brief: We 'Love' Hawaii was the call when designing this roadside landscape. Challenged with a significant fall we needed to retain, landscape and create space in which to sit, relax and enjoy.
The use of large boulders is always a winner when incorporated as an integral part of a natural landscape.

Tropical delight on the shore
The brief on this Mairangi Bay property in simple terms was “I want to be in Fiji without leaving my backyard”. With this in mind and an openess for creativity we went about our task with a passion.
The interest and challenge was the movement and placement of 40 tonne of boulders. In the middle of winter and limited space this was not for the faint hearted.

Taste of The Mediterranean
The main brief of this landscape was to successfully incorporate a European style courtyard interlinking the main house with the newly constructed studio and gym.
The colour tones of the paving enhances the contrast required to highlight the form and tones of the planting.

Little Height
This project was located in Birkenhead, Auckland. The brief was to help create an outdoor room that would make year-round entertaining a reality. It needed to be simple yet significant in it's design.
The architect on this project was William Taylor from Taylored Studio. Peter Fry Landscapes undertook the paving for this project.

Mega Makeover
This is a landscape that was fully dated and tired. The site access was difficult and some serious changes needed to be made.
We endeavored to work with the existing block walls, recycled the Scoria rock and in general wanted to create a landscape with a distinctly modern New Zealand flavour that felt relaxed and natural.